Free download the stretchers game
Free download the stretchers game

free download the stretchers game

Keep an eye on the group at all times, especially when navigating over rough terrain or in woodland areas. When transporting the injured person to safety, every person should be involved and the stretcher should not be raised higher than waist height. If you have any concerns, it is important that you stop them and ask them whether they feel the stretcher is safe for use. Once they have built the stretcher, make a quick assessment as to whether the stretcher is safe. Tell the group that the injured person has lost a pint of blood (or another) every ten minutes. Give the group the resources and begin the challenge, ensure you start timing the exercise. Remember to take care when transporting the injured person and be aware of your surrounding area and any possible hazards. You have a total of forty minutes to get your injured team member to safety using the resources provided. The human body has on average about eight pints of blood, when you lose four pints your vital organs will fail, resulting in class 4 haemorrhaging and near certain death. They are losing blood at the rate of one pint every ten minutes. The only way they will survive is if you can get them to the nearest first aid point situated on the other side of the island (or forest, mountain etc) where they will receive treatment and a helicopter can be called.

free download the stretchers game

They are losing blood quickly and need to get to safety as soon as possible. Your group are an expedition and one of your team members has been injured. If you have an assistant, then you should use them instead. Speak to them privately and explain that they will be acting as an injured person during the exercise. Welcome the group to the exercise and immediately ask for a volunteer. Try and aim for the finish to be about 200-300 metres away from the start. Make an assessment of the area and decide where to start the exercise and where the finish point should be (location of first aid).

free download the stretchers game

Collect the resources required for the exercise and check your activity location.

Free download the stretchers game